Distributed systems for fun and profit

Posted by yueLng on 2018-08-27


  • Storage:扩展存储能力
  • Computation:扩展计算能力



“Is the ability of a system,network, or process, to handle a growing amount of work in a capable manner or its ability to be enlarged to accommodate that growth。”

  • Size scalability:增加nodes,可以使系统线性增长,增加dataset不会增加latency
  • Geographic scalability:地理位置扩展
  • Administrative scalability:增加nodes不应该增加administrative costs

Performance(and latency)

“Is characterized by the amount of useful work accomplished by a computer system compared to the time and resources used.”

  • Low latency: 延迟
  • High throughout:吞吐量
  • Low utilization of computing resource: 资源利用率


“The proportion of time a system is in a functioning condition. If a user cannot access the system, it is said to be unavailable.”

Fault tolerance

“Ability of a system to behave in a well-defined manner once faults occur”


  • System model (asynchronous / synchronous)
  • Failure model: (crash-fail, partitions, Byzantine)
  • Consistency model:(strong, weak, eventual)


Partition and Replicate

  1. Partition:把数据且分开,便于并行处理。限制数据块大小,提高处理效率,数据分块,提高可用性。

  2. Replication:把数据拷贝多份便于availability、performance、fault tolerance,防止丢数据,缓解慢I/O和慢查询,但是会带来一致性问题,强一致和弱一致。

Up and down the level of abstraction

  1. System model
    System model 是为了抽象地描述一个分布式系统的特征。它一组assumptions,包括了各种特性

  2. Nodes in the system model
    Nodes 是用来执行程序,储存数据,提供时钟的。它可以执行一系列的指令。

  3. Communication link between nodes

  4. Timing / Ordering assumptions
    Synchronous:一条消息有确认的延迟上限,Asynchronous: 一条消息没有确定的延迟上限。

  5. The consensus problem
    Consensus 问题就是所有的节点对某个值打成了共识。Agreement: 所有正常的节点都同意,Integrity:所有的正常节点只能对最多一个值打成一致,Termination:最终总会达成一致,Validity:最终达成一致的值必须是V1到Vn其中一个, 如果所有初始值都是vx, 那么最终结果也必须是vx.

  6. FLP and CAP
    CAP:Consistency, availability, partition tolerance不能同时达到

  7. Consistency model
    Strong consistency models (capable of maintaining a single copy)
    1.Linearizable consistency: 每个节点按原有的时间顺序执行指令,2.Sequential consistency:每个节点按同样的时间顺序执行指令

Weak consistency models(not strong)
1.Client-centric consistency,2.Causal consistency,3.Eventual consistency

Time and order



Partial order 与 total order,也就是偏序和全序的关系。全序就是任何两个元素能比较大小,而偏序不一定,比如A包含B,则说A大于B,但存在集合互不包含,两个集合就无法比较大小。


Global clock:对应模型Synchronous,支持Total Order,分布式中所有节点都共享一个时钟,任意两个操作可以被赋予顺序。
Local clock:对应模型Partially synchronous,一种Partial order. 本地有序,跨节点之间的事件是无序的。不能比较两个节点上的时间戳
No clock:对应模型Asynchronous:另一种Partial order. 本地有序,远程需要交互才能确定顺序。提供了偏序,可以确定本地顺序,跨节点需要由message change来确定


order:确定操作顺序可以确保正确性,可以解决争夺资源时候的顺序问题,global clock可以确定整个系统的order,没有global clock,需要通过communication来确定
time:可以用在failure detector,确定high latency 或者 link is down


Lamport clock
Vector clock
Failure detector:failure detector用 “heartbeat messages” 和 “timers” 来实现。即不断发送“心跳信息”之后计算时间。而衡量Failure detector,有两个重要特性: completeness 和 accuracy.

Replication:preventing divergence

synchronous replication、asynchronous replication

Replication methods that prevent divergence (single copy systems)
Replication methods that risk divergence (multi-master systems)
Single copy system让整个系统“表现的像是一个节点”。每当部分节点宕机,系统可以保证只有一个active的值,还有,可以保证这个值被大家接受(其实就是consensus问题)


Single, static master
Replicated log, slaves are not involved in executing operations
No bounds on replication delay
Not partition tolerant
Manual/ad-hoc failover, not fault tolerant, “hot backup”


Unanimous vote: commit or abort
Static master
2PC cannot survive simultaneous failure of the coordinator and a node during a commit
Not partition tolerant, tail latency sensitive


Majority vote
Dynamic master
Robust to n/2-1 simultaneous failures as part of protocol
Less sensitive to tail latency
