1. Under normal mode
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| :wq - save and quit i - insert x VIM - delete character dd - delete line, copied in clipboard p - paste y - copy :help <command> - look up help doc :?<pattern> - search backward :Explore - file explore
2. Code folding
inside a method and type za to open and close a fold.
3. Window splits
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| :e <filename> - edit another file :split <filename> - Horizontal Split :vsplit <filename> - vertical split ctrl+w - move pointer :tabnew tabname - tab like chrome(useful)
4. Git
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| :Gwrite - git add :Gread - git checkout :Gremove - git rm :Gmove - git mv :Gcommit - git commit
5. Open undotree / NERDTree / taglist / indent line
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| <,undo> <,tree> <,tag> <,line>
6. Snipmate
1 2
| any reserved words + <tab> e.g., def<tab>
7. Copy and paste
- copy: + highlight the text + left mouse button
- paste: + right mouse button
8. Search and replace the selected text
9. Go to the next / previous search result
10. Execute script
11. Auto completion
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| <C-Space> - Completion <leader>g - Goto assignments (typical goto function) <leader>d - Goto definitions (follow identifier as far as possible, includes imports and statements) K - Show Documentation/Pydoc (shows a popup with assignments) <leader>rname - Renaming <leader>n - Usages (shows all the usages of a name) :Pyimport <module name> - Open module, e.g. opens the `os` module :Pyimport os